Worship Guitar Lessons Online Review

By | February 8, 2019
Worship Guitar

Most worship guitar songs are easy to learn because you can play the songs using the basic chords. The main problem is to play the songs correctly while strumming.

Whether you are a worship leader, or want to be a worship leader who plays a guitar, you can learn to play worship songs through the online courses offered online.

There are tons of worship guitar lessons online but to find the right guitar worship lessons is not as easy one may think. Many worship leaders give up learning how to play the guitar because they concentrate improving their voices rather than practice with the guitar.

One of the greatest worship leaders, Chris Tomlin, is the most influential worship leaders. He plays an acoustic guitar but on many occasions during worship, he pauses playing the guitar and concentrates singing with the congregation. He does it in a way to create an atmosphere of worship.

Regardless of all the talent and anointing he has, he learn how to play the guitar just like anyone else. Now he composes his songs and and plays with other great musicians.

The other problem worship leaders face while learning how to play worship songs on the internet is many courses online concentrate on teaching how to play guitar scales and other circular music but they do not have many lessons on guitar worship.

There are plenty worship songs but to learn how to play particular worship songs, you will need relevant lessons. It’s great to learn how to play guitar scales but this will not help much as a worship leader. Your goal, as a worship leader should focus on learning how to play guitar worship songs so that you may lead the congregation into singing along with you.

If you are a worship leader, or feel that you can become one, or maybe you just want to learn how to play worship songs, you will need the best in guitar worship lessons.

One exciting thing is that you may try the lessons for 21 days at the cost of $1.00. You may later decide then whether Play Guitar Worship is the right course for you.

If you have any comments, please leave them below and submit. I will be glad to read them all.

39 thoughts on “Worship Guitar Lessons Online Review

  1. Louis

    The guitar is an instrument I absolutely love to learn. I even bought one, myself. After about two years of failed learning, my guitar is beginning to gather dust on the shelf.

    I’ve not been able to find a lesson that teaches me in a way I can learn online. Thanks for informing me about play guitar worship, I’ll give it a try, and hopefully I’ll be able to learn how to play my guitar.

    Kind regards

  2. Melissa

    Hi there! It’s great that there’s a 21 day trial to see if it will resonate before I commit to buying. And I can manage $1 for that trial 🙂 It looks like a very comprehensive package with lots of value add information, and I can cancel at any time. I really like the look of this. Thank you for sharing and I’m hoping these lessons can boost my confidence and give me some new skills at the same time. 

  3. Oscar

    Guitar music in a worship service is always great to listen to.  However, I believe it is not as easy as you state:-)  I have only tried to play the guitar a few times, and it cannot be that hard if you know music (I have played the piano most of my life – I play often in church for choirs, solists, etc.)

    However, I think why I have not had success with the guitar is because it is not my favorite instrument (first of all) but more because I hear so many players that don’t play it well.  They take only a few lessons and off they start to play the few chords.  And that is enough for them.  For me, if someones just plays an instrument a bit, the heart of music is missing.  I have always believed that one should practice lots to play well.  It is not enough to be able to play just a few chords for the worship songs.  

    If I want to play the guitar, I do want more than just a few chords to play in the worship service.

    I should get myself taking an online guitar course to improve.  

    Thanks for sharing,


    1. smarties Post author

      Thank you for your comments. Basically you can play a worship song with Three  chords and a minor. The rest is improvising.

      I included a link if you want to take online lessons in worship guitar.

  4. Achievers

    I really love this article on worship guitar lesson online. I am a worship leader and an instrumentalist, I play keyboard and am a beginner in playing guitar. I want to improve in playing guitar chords, sometimes I miss the chords when singing simultaneously. I am really working to improve in this area. You article is timely and helpful. I have bookmarked this page to access your site anytime. Thank you. 

  5. Ayodeji

    Great post and excellent writeup about piano lessons. I pray the organ but started few lessons on piano playing and it’s been fun. I’ve been gathering few sites to help me utilise my free time in getting more lessons, I’m gonna browse around your website for while. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work. 

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Ayodeji

      Thank you for the the comments on Wosrship Guitar. Wishing you all the best as you continue to practice the Piano.



  6. mhasanalvi

    Hey Smarties,

    I have read the whole review about whorship guitar lessons.Really this is an amazing review.By reading your review one can will be able to learn whorship guitar lessons.Actually i was searching for a website where i can learn whorship guitar lessons but i couldn’t found as there are tons of courses.After reading your review i found my website where i can learn whorship guitar lessons and the website is ”Play Guitar Whorship”  which is mentioned you in this review.Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful review.I will share this review with my friends.

    1. smarties Post author

      Thanks for your comments. I’m very happy you like my post and found it helpful. It will be nice to share with friends.

  7. smshakil

    Hi Smarties

    I have read your whole article about worship guitar lessons online.This is an awesome article.If anyone wants to learn the worship songs online is the easy way to learn this.There are tons of courses on the internet.Actually I was fond of a guide line to learn worship guitar lessons online. Now I found my guide line by reading your article.I hope this will help me a lot.I am going to share it with my friends and relatives so that they can take the benefits from this article.Thanks a lot for sharing this great article.

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Smshakil,

      Thank you for liking my post. Glad you found value in it.



  8. ajibola40

    Thanks for writing this article on worship guitar lessons online. You really try I must say by finding the best place online to learn worship guitar lessons. I have been going for guitar training lessons for a while now when ever I have the time but now having the opportunity to learn it online,i really fill do happy about it

    1. smarties Post author

      Thank you Ajibola. Yes, continue getting lessons when you are ready you can do online lessons too. They are the best!

      Once again, thanks!


  9. Paul

    Dear Smarties,

    Thanks a lot for the helpful and informative post. This post means a lot to me because recently we bought a guitar in our church and the sad thing is there is no one to play it (The person who knows to play it got married and she shifted to different place & church). In the youth team we were discussing about learning guitar so your post is a greater help.

    Thanks for the amazing video you embedded. You not only discussed the problem but you have provided with solution as well. playworshipguitar course is on my list and I am going to share your post with my youth team and I believe they gonna get great insights and motivation.

    Much Success!


    1. smarties Post author

      Thank you Paul for the kind words. I know, its quite a challenge when musicians leave and no one to fill the gap. Well, this course is great. It is not very difficult to learn the guitar, but to master it can take some time depending on how they will practice.

      The I love the course because the instructor know most of the worship songs and I recommend the course.

      Hope soon you will have a new setup of worship team back on guitars!


  10. Tolu

    I shared my frustration with a friend and she referred me to this site. Learning how to play the guitar as a worship leader in my assembly would be a dream come true. I’m always in awe when I see worship leaders like Chris Tomlin lead people into God’s presence with quality and soul edifying song using the guitar. I have checked the link you provided, would sign up for the $1 free trial, I have already gotten the Yamaha APX 600 guitar, and I plan to devote an hour daily this month to learn to play the guitar while leading men in worship. 

    1. smarties Post author

      Thank you Tolu for the kind words. It is possible if you will put your whole effort. Some of the song he teaches are Chris Tomlin’s “How great is our God” 

      You will learn quickly because that is the music you want to minister. I pray God to grant you His blessing so that your dream come true!

      Once again, Thanks!


  11. Froy

    The overall feel of the site is simple and yet brought rich and meaningful content. It’s content is pretty straight forward and will not confuse the reader. There is more to it than what the site offers, if we take a closer look at the recent posts, goes deeper and the site offers relevant topics to it’s niche. With this in mind though, the site speed can be worked on as it does not load quickly perhaps due to the size or volume of information it holds.

    1. smarties Post author

      Thank you very much for the kind words. I am glad you found the information useful.

      Thank you for pointing out the speed. I will look at settings in WordPress. There are quite some files here. I still have some more to write but I have to check what’s going on.

      I don’t really have many plugins but I suspect the Sitemap needs to be compressed. If this does not work, I will call support

      Once again, thank you very much



  12. Topazdude

    Interesting! Am very happy to read this article on guitar and it’s online lesson platform. Thanks for sharing this helpful tips for worship leaders. Guitar is one of the most wonderful instrument to play while singing simultaneously. Although am not yet a pro in playing guitar, even am still training to play while singing also. This is a great tips to me. Also in search of online training course on guitar before, but am glad that this article is if help on this. I will like to take the 21 days trial for $1, but I want to ask if I want to continue after the 21days how much will I pay?

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Topazdude

      Thank you for the kind comments. Yes! Go for it you will learn alot. I take lessons too!

      After the 21 day trial it is $17.00. Not sure about tax in your area. Once you click for trial, you will see the invoice explaining all.

      Billing is through Clickbank and you know they explain everything before you make a final click.They have a 30 day money back guarantee!

      Once again, thanks!



  13. Daniella

    Hi there,

    Awesome review, I love the reading!

    My husband is a musician and I am sure he will love your article! The reason I came across your website is because my son wants to learn worship guitar lesson. I went through the link and it seems very interesting. I have bookmarked your website so I can show it to my son and my husband, I am sure they will find it fascinating.

    Just a question, please. What if my son is not happy with the lessons? Can we get a refund? 

    Thank you!

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Daniella,

      Thank you so much for the kind words. it will be nice to check this out. Well it is a $1 trial for 21 days. Within the 21 days your son will be able to valuate whether to continue or cancel.

      It is $17/month + tax. until you cancel. If you are familiar with Clickbank, they handle all transactions.

      I am sure he will love it if he wants to learn Christian contemporary. Your husband can see the lessons.

      Once again, thank you!


  14. Faith Odekhe

    Thanks for sharing these tips. I have not really picked interest in learning how to play a guitar. But with these interesting tips you have shared, it did aroused my interest. I am a worship leader, I get more fascinated in using the piano to sing, though, I’m a good drummer. I started playing drums during my teenage age. Now, with these interesting tips you’ve shared, I will have to learn how to play the guitar. Thanks for this wonderful article.

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Faith,

      Thank you for the kind comments. You do have great talents! Sure you will do well with the guitar. You don’t know how much potential you have until you pick the instrument and start learning. The more you know, the better, you can teach your team to play other instruments while you are on the guitar and vocals!

      I wish you all the best


  15. Tracy cole

    This article is absolute gold, 

    This really is the best guide on worshipping with guitar that I have come across with zero fluff, actionable steps and all backed up by proof and case studies. I’m super impressed. I have watched series of singers do some real stunts with guitar and I am super impressed. I have tried learning but I kept on failing

  16. Alex

    Hey Smarties. Thanks to you for writing this informative post review about Worship Guitar lessons online. I must commend you for this great piece. You are right about many courses online concentrate on teaching how to play guitar scales but they do not offer worship guitar. Thanks for recommending Chris Tomlin. I’ll check him out. 

  17. Jannatul Ferdaus

    I really love this article on worship guitar lesson on-line.Great post and excellent writeup about piano lessons.Many worship leaders give up learning how to play the guitar because they concentrate improving their voices rather than practice with the guitar.One of the greatest worship leaders, Chris Tomlin, is the most influential worship leaders. He plays an acoustic guitar but on I pray the organ but started few lessons on piano playing and it’s been fun. I’ve been gathering few sites to help me utilize. my free time in getting more lessons, I’m gonna browse around your website for while. Thanks for sharing.  You article is timely and helpful.

  18. Tarun

    my 6-year-old is keen on learning to play the guitar! according to her all great songwriters play the guitar and that’s why she wants to learn the guitar!

    21 day online trial for $1 is unbelievable! 3 weeks is more enough time to learn if she is going to be serious about this or its a passing craze! (i hope its the former – hopefully she be the next taylor swift but better)

    i also like the fact that it teaches you worship songs – its a good way to exposure her music other than mainstream and let her know there is a God and we need his help in our daily lives!

    thanks for this post!

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Tarun

      It will be nice if you got her the guitar. Its very rare that kids ask for an instrument to play. Usually parents buy the musical instruments hoping their child will gain the interest and learn. Don’t miss the opportunity to give her what she really want. You never know how much potential she has. The most important thing is that she will develop the talent.

      Taylor Swift learned how to play the guitar when she was 12. Once she learns a few chords then she will be on her way. The secret is to practice everyday.

      Yes, good point. This is strictly worship songs. If she can play the songs she will have a deeper understanding praise and worship songs. You never know how god can use her to minister to her friends.  



  19. Michael

    I loved your article. I’ve always wanted to learn to play guitar. I tried once through a learn guitar book but got lost. I like the fact that you can try this for 21 days for just $1. It makes me want to dust off the old guitar and give it a shot. Thanks for the information.

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Michael,

      Thanks for liking my post. If you have the guitar already that’s much better. Get it in tune and start practicing. 

      I should say, you don’t know how much potential you have until you try and persevere. Once you reach your Aha! moment, you’ll be unstoppable.

      Guitar playing is fun especially when you can play songs of these famous Christian artists. They have songs that are really good. make sure you practice those 21 days to get the value of it. Tyr the lessons. You will love it.



  20. Dominic

    I’ve been longing to play the guitar since high school, but I couldn’t seem to figure it out. Since worship songs, like you were saying, are easy to play, do you think I could start with them as a newbie? I’m looking for a way to become good at the instrument myself without getting overwhelmed with the details. I think I might try Play Guitar Worship if you can clarify my confusions.

    By the way, my friends often tell me that I’m gifted at extracting single notes by ear (since I loved playing flute), and I’m wondering whether it’s actually an advantage when I start learning the guitar (since it’s all about chords, not individual notes).

    1. smarties Post author

      Hello! Dominic,

      Thank you for the kind words. You will not get overwhelmed. First, you’ll learn how to play and strum the chords. Once you are comfortable, you go to the next lesson. Of course you have to practice everyday. The more you practice the faster you will advance.

      He explains everything. extracting notes can be said to be improvising. I can say its more advanced but it is an advantage for you if you are being accompanied or play in a band. That could come  later if you advance with the chords.

      This is strictly christian music like Chris Tomlin songs, you can play them on your acoustic and sing along.. That will be cool.

      If you have more questions, let me know.



  21. Bill

    Hey! That was a really helpful blog. Here is something i have found to also help you learn and get guitar lessons for Worship Songs and starting from a $1 trial.
    You’re welcome God Bless

    1. Smart

      Thank You! Bill. i appreciate your comments. Yes! it is a good site. I have a link on my blog too!


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